Originally Posted by gsganzer
Originally Posted by efw
Originally Posted by gsganzer
Originally Posted by TheLastLemming76
Originally Posted by Redneck
Originally Posted by granitestate1
It does not matter if you are for it or against it, it isn't a fundamental right.
Succinct, and SPOT ON...

It isn't a fundamental right to control your own spawn?? Whether illegitimate, rape, incest, health of the mother or viability of the fetus due to defects??

I disagree brother.

“Control your own spawn”


Ok how about this. “Control your own spawn”… that is, whether your children are allowed to live or die, is in your hands. Or… pants? Keep yer Dick to yourself and you’ll be fine. I know it’s hard (see what I did there?) but it works 100% of the time and no infanticide is necessary.

If we can agree on that, we can talk about the extremely exceptional instances of rape, incest, and health of the mother.

Can we agree on that?

I don't know why I keep letting myself get sucked into this quagmire of a topic but it's probably because I feel the need to stand up for my two daughters.

It's real simple to say "keep your willie in your pants". While I certainly don't believe abortion should be a form of birth control, here's some facts on birth control and you might understand it's not just "extreme pregnancies". You can religiously practice birth control (see what I did there?), but birth control, in it's most popular forms, has from a 6% to 28% failure rate resulting in pregnancies over the course of use in a year. Effectiveness of Birth Control I'll help you with the math, that's 6- 28 instances of pregnancy per 100 people using the most popular forms of birth control.

Most of us believe in a reasonable set of "medically guided" rules around abortion that take into account compassion for those born and unborn. The previously agreed upon viability of life at 15-16 weeks was a medically agreed upon term. The latest TX ruling of 6 weeks IMO and of the medical community is not, and was meant as a defacto ban on abortion.
I call BS on that statistic. It sounds like a statistic that the pro abortion crowd would put out. I’ve had 100% unplanned pregnancies with the woman that I have been with just by pulling out. If birth control had a failure rate any where near as high as you suggest nearly every woman in America would have 3-6 unplanned children over a lifetime plus the planned ones.

As a man if I get a woman pregnant I live with the child support, moral obligations of being a father, and the potential strain and court/friend of court and baby mama drama. I don’t get to chooses a compassionate abortion because it’s something that I’d rather not deal with.