Originally Posted by efw
So you don’t think abortion should be used as birth control except when birth control fails and then it’s ok… and that’s standing up for your daughters?

A) all my kids… planned & unplanned… are precious to me. The sacrifices I’ve made for them made me a better person and that is true of everyone I’ve known. If a person is so selfish that they just gotta get off with no “danger” of an unwanted pregnancy, they’d do the world a favor getting chemically castrated

B) impulse control is difficult… but killing children cuz you’re too horny? Seriously?

C) up until this “right” to kill children was invented out of thin air, a most basic premise of western Justice was the fact that it is inherently wrong to hold the child responsible for the sins of his/her parents

D) the underlying “right” behind the sexual revolution, that we ought to be able to use technology to deliver us from consequences that are built into nature itself is the root of all of our societal ills today.

We aren’t able, never have been able, and never will be able to thwart nature that way and the hope or belief that we will leaves us envious, entitled, and empty.

No, the point of abortion control and the agreed upon laws is to decide when a life is a life and where that line is drawn. If you think it begins upon conception, the medical reality says otherwise. That's why we pass laws that find that common ground we can all agree upon. That's why we negotiate with facts and science that guide us. It doesn't please all of us, but science never does.