Originally Posted by CRS
Interesting topic, classify me however you want.

But I am with Judman. Plain and simple, I am a hunter, and all that entails.

I still have two any deer tags, and three antlerless tags left this year. So I can be both a meat hunter and trophy hunter. Next weekend I am taking my 84yo Dad out deer hunting. Add guide and butcher to the list.

Fortunately I filled my cow elk tag this year. Freezer is full. So for the rest of the seasons, I will be a trophy hunter, but I do want to shoot one antlerless deer for sausage, brats, bacon.
confused crazy

So what am I? And why railroad me into one or the other. I hunt with traditional bows, rifles, muzzleloaders, shotguns, and 22 RF. I fish sometimes too....

If someone wants to focus all their energy into one pursuit, have at it.

Done, CRS.

Your classification is a ‘BI’ Hunter.


Curiosity Killed the Cat & The Prairie Dog
“Molon Labe”