Originally Posted by 260Remguy
Originally Posted by Coyote10
Originally Posted by Dixie_Dude
Judman, I am a meat hunter. I raised 7 children by feeding them meat I hunted for and backyard gardening. I remember getting 7 deer one year and it was eaten up in 6 months. I made hamburger and steak from the tenderloins. Didn't worry about racks. We also have had squirrel, rabbit, quail, wild turkey and dove. I know a lot of people who meat hunt. Trophy animals are just icing on the cake. I still meat hunt. Have you priced beef lately?

This guy has it figured out. I run quite a few head of cattle and I'm all for the beef/agriculture industry, but man I don't think it gets any better than venison and quail. We don't exclusively hunt for meat but when you find a good buck, it's a bonus. I can't believe more people don't take advantage of fresh venison. Cost you the price of a primer, powder, and a bullet.

Well, there are also all those other costs associated with hunting besides a primer, powder, and a bullet. Licenses cost money. Gear costs money. Gas costs money. Lots of ancillaries that cost money. Unless you can walk out your back door to hunt and you process your own carcasses hunting is probably not all that cost effective a means by which to pay for protein.
Well I can walk out my back door or my front door and go hunting and I do. From my front porch I can point to spots on the hill across the road where I've killed a bunch of bucks. I spent about 200.00 total on license/tags, ammo and gas to put 6 deer in the freezer last season. Been wearing the same hunting clothes/ boots and using the same rifles/scopes for years too. Hunting doesn't have to cost a fortune and can fill the freezer with some pretty cheap meat. Been doing it my whole life.