I’m both!

I spend my available archery hunting time looking to stick a decent buck, so I’m a head hunter. Then I hunt in NY for bucks only(no non res doe tags)and will only shoot a decent buck there. Head hunter again. Then I hunt here at home carrying a revolver with my daughter and try to get her a shot on a buck(or a doe if she chooses.) Then towards the end of season, I’ll lean towards a meat hunter and start toting a rifle and look to drop a freezer queen, especially if neither of us have scored yet. It’s not life or death if I don’t shoot one, and the pride and joy of my daughter scoring on a deer is what keeps me passing up on smaller bucks and doe. To each their own, I fault no hunter for their legally harvesting any size buck or doe. I know alot of hunters in the area I hunt in NY will shoot a spike buck with 4” long spikes(3” or longer is legal). I say congrats! I’ll let em walk by every single time. Don’t make me a hero, or them villians, just a matter of need or choice. Happy Hunting! 😎


Livin ain’t killed me yet, but it’s workin on it!