Originally Posted by gnoahhh
No, I don't powder coat anything. I don't find traditional lubing to be messy, and in 50+ years of casting I've barely scratched the surface in pursuit of "traditional" techniques, and seriously doubt that I'll accomplish all that I wish to in that regard before I shuffle off this mortal coil. Powder coating, while I truly recognize some of its benefits, is a rabbit hole I've avoided lest it hinder my "traditional" pursuits. (But our friend and comrade here on the 'Fire, Dinny, is doing his best to sway me, and he might yet at that! He, by the way, really is an expert on the Maxi. Talking with him on the subject is a true learning experience.)

The powder coating is a little extra time but the end result of a smooth, shiny and non sticky bullet is worth it to me. I’m not a competitive shooter, I just enjoy the experimenting to find the right combination of components for my rifles. I haven’t ever messed with different alloys, just go with straight wheel weights and keep it cheap. I’ve been thinking about it now that I’m loading cast in rifles but I haven’t made any yet. Maybe later in late winter when I’m waiting on the weather to get better.