The LGBTIQ+ community has slowly but steadily been recognized and provided rights by legal institutions within Australia since the 1970s. The LGTIQ+ community is a minority population group that covers a spectrum of genders, sexualities, and relationships. How they identify themselves depends upon a plethora of socioeconomic and demographic factors. By 2016, about three percent of the adult population identified as being homosexual or bisexual. A little over two percent reported themselves as belonging to other sexual orientations or not being sure.

 Demographic breakdown and relationships
Most LGBTIQ+ employees in Australia fell into the 35 to 44 age bracket and in terms of gender identity, the majority identify as male. An overwhelming majority were employed within the public services sector, compared to other industries such as law enforcement or banking and financial services.

A large number of male LGBTIQ+ adults in Tasmania fall within the under 25 age group. Notably, the number in monogamous relationships has seen a slight bi-yearly drop since 2014, with more male adults favoring regular but casual partnerships and meeting potential partners via either a mobile app or the internet.

Dog I rescued in January

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