Originally Posted by Tarquin
Historically, in the US, about 1 in every 10,000 males is trans and about 1 in every 30,000 females. Those have been the numbers since the mid-30s. Moreover, these folks didn't usually transition untll they were adults, often 40 or 50 years old (Bruce Jennner?). Now, in the USA, 20-30% of girls at some elite girl's schools are claiming to be trans. Clearly, we aren't talking about the same phenomena as historical transgenderism. No, the current craze is a measure of our societal sickness and clearly a social contagion akin to anorexia (which is spread in much the same way). In short, it's a manufactured illness and cutting off penises, tits and clits will not cure it, but will only mutilate the victims.

That is sad....but I agree.

Illegitimi non carborundum