Originally Posted by flintlocke
The Old Lewiston Hotel in Lewiston Calif. used to serve a 2" thick slice of prime rib, very rare...then slathered with a clarified herb butter, then done to your preference on a red hot griddle for a crusty brown glaze. Best I've ever experienced by far. I know, sounds like a reheated piece of beef, which should be nasty...but no, never had anything quite like it anywhere else at any price.

Seems like a variation of the reverse sear method to me, a method by which many fine steaks are prepared.

Reheated steak can be excellent. When I grill a couple of steaks for myself I take one off when it's pretty rare. The other one gets cooked to med-rare for immediate consumption. The next day I put the rare steak under a hot broiler to reheat and it always comes out great.