Originally Posted by 79S
What gets tiresome people blaming Californians, Oregonians moving to other states and “messing” them up. When In fact it’s the state school system that’s screwing the future voters up. Look at how many kids leave the high school system every year receiving a very liberal education. Same with colleges as well. So it isn’t gd Biff St James from California screwing up your state, it’s your own damn kids that could potentially be screwing up the state.

That’s a big part of the problem that has happened for years. More affluent families from Liberal States moving in. The wife doesn’t need to work. She’s familiar with community involvement in her recent past. She has school aged children, which was a major factor for them moving out of a Liberal shît-hole.

Wife needs something to do that supports her kids and others. Boom, two years and she’s running for the school board.

Multiple this x 10,000


Curiosity Killed the Cat & The Prairie Dog
“Molon Labe”