The handler was the one out of control of the dog. If you can not control your dog, you have no business owning that dog. I am a dog person, grew up on a farm, I do not tolerate animals that cause any problem for me or a neighbor of any kind. If they do not mind, or obey commands, that is a real problem.

Just carry a can of premium starter fluid, is great for dog control, it is pure ether and will put the baddest dog down in an instant. Does an instant sull and stun on a dog, when sprayed in the dog's face. The olfactory nerve sensors 12 times stronger than an human, are overcome, and they connect direct to the dog's brain.

For aggressive people, forget pepper spray, use wasp spray, it sprays in a stream, blinds instantly, is a guaranteed trip to the emergency room. Never can tell when you might get a wasp in your vehicle or office.

“To expect defeat is nine-tenths of defeat itself. It becomes a self-fulfilling prophecy. It is best to plan for all eventualities then believe in success, and only cross the failure bridge if you come to it."
Francis Marion - The Swamp Fox