Originally Posted by Redneck
Originally Posted by 458 Lott
For those that value their reputation, they'll go out of their way to maintain it. It's one of those things not taught in business school, but sorely lacking in business, government, schools, etc.

The #1 understatement of the year, by far and away..


Technical skill at a trade or profession, and ability to deal with people (including communication), are not always found in the same individual. I believe that is the downfall of many who decide to hang out their own shingle.

It may be not so much a matter of finding a different profession as it is about finding a job where a person can do the technical work while somebody else deals with customers. It applies to gunsmiths, as well as building trades, engineering, and even some medical doctors and lawyers.


Stupidity has its way, while its cousin, evil, runs rampant.