Giving my take on the differences between the Obama vs. McCain vote to no one in particular:

1. Obama campaigned under the guise that he KNEW what needed to be done to fix the economy. Now he is back-peddling by saying he did not know it was so bad. Either he deliberately lied in campaign rhetoric or he was clueless as to the real aconomic issues...or both. McCain certainly did not come off so cock-sure about a quick-fix.

2. Our greatest financial impacts revolve around our mortgage/banking/financing situation. Those problems were primarily created by liberal legislation forcing our financial institutions to lend money to unqualified buyers in order to fill low income and minority quotas. Many Republicans went along with this liberal agenda because they were afraid to be stigmatized as rascist for standing against it. It was the mass default on those loans which helped bring on our financial crises...but remember it was primarily the fault of liberal legislation, not who was president at the time. We cannot fix problems caused by liberal legislation with bailouts or with more liberal legislation...those policies need abandoned and replaced with free-market economy policies and the right for instituitons to set their own lending rules so they and the buyers are solely responsible for their own risks. Bailing out liberal policies will be a continual drain on the economy for they never allow the institutions to set in place the policies to correct the lending requirements.

3. You cannot just vote for a President personally, you need to look at the larger picture and see what policies and legislation will be enabled by the party in power. It is the purpose of the primaries to set forth the best candidates. When that fails than we should look to which party will best represent our constitution in the legislation and appointments. You need to look at what each party's main agenda and support base represent and then whether the President will enable or stand against that agenda. We know the Democrats are now run by socialists and Obama is of the same stripe, therefore a vote for Obama was a vote against the Constitutional form of government conceived by our founders, our free market economy, and against the very fundamentals of our American society. A vote for Obama is therefore essentially a vote against the fundamentals of what America stands for.

4. If McCain were President he also would facing the same challenges as Obama with no easy fix...but he knew that going in and would not be so apt to be knee-jerk in his approach to fix it. It was obvious he thought the economy was in bad shape or he would not have sought a pass on a debate to work on the economy in congress. The congress probably had no option but to bailout the banking system in order to avoid meltdown. Now they have a bit of a breather to introduce a stimulus package or legislation which will help the economy correct by promoting business. Promoting stimulus programs which will need a constant supply of money to operate will never fix the economy.

Some of the essential things which need to happen to fix this economy are relieving companies of liberal policy business mandates and high taxes. Relieving businesses of those two items will do more to create jobs and provide revenue back to the government through personal income taxes than any tax cuts on income never earned will. Relieving businesses of the liberal policy requirements and taxes will increase their profit margins and allow them to hold on to employees at risk. As for personal taxes, I would rather pay them at the same level on real income than having a tax cut on income I don't have the ability to earn.

This approach, to some extent, would have been far more likely to happen through McCain than Obama.

5. Finally, any agenda which trades fundamental citizen rights to fix an economic problem or advance a social cause is destined to destroy the foundations upon which the whole structure stands. Again our whole American system is far more at risk with Obama in power than with McCain as President or Palin serving as President. Palin has proven her ability to administrate...Obama has not. Palin does not have national experience, but neither did Obama--therefore both would need to learn. Palin would have done far more to guide this country in line with the constitution than Obama will.

Obama is seeking to set this nation on a course which will eventually destroy its foundations, if left unchecked, and we may never be able to recover from that impact, an impact which will be far worse than what we presently face.

Yes the Republicans have made serious mistakes also...primarily because they left their conservative roots and tried to meet liberals in the middle. This is a wake-up call to Republicans and conservative Democrats to stand up for their country.

Every American ought to think about this before its too late...