I can't imagine why I would.

How would Ron Paul handle the problems that exist with our economy? I don't believe that he has any special insight or experience with corporate finance, tax policy, or national economic affairs. I don't believe that he had much to say about the economy during the campaign. So what economic experts is he listening to that no one else is? Although he seems to have an opinion on just about every topic that exists, his website reads more like a manifesto. Maybe that's why he isn't taken too seriously by most people.

Let's say for schits and giggles that instead of Obama, Ron's the president. How would he get anything accomplished? He isn't even a blip on the radar screen for Democrats and most of his own party (rightly or wrongly) think he's a tinfoil hat lunatic.

He's going to have a Democrat majority congress and about all he could do is veto anything they give him...resulting in plenty of watered down crappy legislation that ends up getting passed to over-ride him. So exactly, what would having Pres. Paul do for all of us?

If he has all the answers, then why doesn't he run for Gov of Texas...or for a higher profile job like Senator? No offense to the folks of Texas, but if he couldn't get elected in his home state, what makes him think that that he would have a chance at the national level?