Originally Posted by mike762
What 20 years? Wilson (D) went from 1912-1920, Harding (R) from 1920-22, Coolidge (R) 1922-28, Hoover (R) 1928-1932. The problem was the ideas promulgated by the Progressives, including Teddy Roosevelt, like the income tax, Federal Reserve, and popular election of Senators came about under TR and were pushed by Taft, and signed by Wilson, or ratified while he was President. FDR took over in 1932 and expanded on the "progressive" programs instituted by his Republican predecesser Hoover.

True enough and I guess I got all my typing out on the "should I join the military post" What I should have said is more what you said, that the policies that Wilson adopted and pushed forth had an affect that went on and set the stage for the expansion of government for the next 20 years. You can certainly not say that Wilson followed anywhere close to a TR foreign policy/

I certainly do not believe TR would have pushed for those programs, income tax, managed money etc to have evolved to be what they are today. I also believe that it is a viable example of where a third party candidate led to a situation where he hurt what I believe was can easily be described as great heartache.

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