Good point about spooking them - with anything.

A gun shot a archery ranges and well beyond will almost always cause them to bolt, unless anchored. Actually any untoward noise or event will- it's their first line of defense against a rushing predator - bolt first, then look around! Once 30 or 40 yards off safely, stop and figure out what's going onif nothing is still after you. I've seen several unaware (key word, that!) moose shot at distances greater than 175 yards or so, and they seemed not to react to the gunshot sound, only to the hit. In fact, I once had a horny bull come in to the sound of us setting up camp, minutes after my partner had discharged his rifle- so loud noises at distance don't seem to alarm them much. Alert them, yes.

The reflexive hind-leg kick is good too! It was only the knowledge of this reflexive action that kept me from poking a cow in the butt with my rifle barrel once, after I had spotted her standing 40 yards off with her head buried in a bush. I had to get within 7 or 8 yards to see what sex she was - and since she was that close, and still apparently sound asleep (or "hiding"?) - I figured what the heck....

I backed off at 5 feet and left her doing her thing, whatever it was. Still makes me grin.

The only true cost of having a dog is its death.