Originally Posted by AlaskaCub
Moose are about as dumb as it gets....

That doesn't sound like some of the moose I've hunted. O' course, perhaps I am just so darned dumb....or is it unlucky? (But 700 miles of riding -one snowmachine- over four weekends to finally connect? Hmm?) But yes, some of them are purely gifts. wink

Or try hunting them before the rut. What bulls? (There sure can be a lot of cows then though!)

I wouldn't sweat where to shoot a moose, just make sure its a vital or roll the dice on a CNS and remember that with either a follow up shot might be needed, they dont move that fast.

You might want to qualify "that" as they certainly can and do move when they want to - and a lot faster than a bolt gun can be cycled. Being big means the target is bigger - not to be confused as "all target".

And THS attempts seem naively foolish, at least on the winter moose I've taken. I suppose there is a point where one has enough gun and bullet to do it, but I have had enough bullets stopped by that 100-pound + paunch, even from decent rifles and bullets - like Xs in the 340 Roy- to think that one could be assured of driving a bullet through that "ballistic woodbag" and wreaking lethal damage upon the cardiovascular goodies.

Sometimes, the air you 'let in'matters less than the air you 'let out'.