Alaskacub, I have to put in a plug for moose "intelligence"!
I rate hard hunted moose in thick cover as the most challenging of all the game that we have available locally in central Saskatchewan. Alaska wilderness moose are likely somewhat different based on more open subalpine terrain and lack of "education". Consider hunting moose outside of the rut for a moment. From my limited experience in the Yukon ( I'm assuming it's similar to Alaska) , it is not unusual in mountainous terrain to spot a moose from a distance and stalk into range. Not so here. Tracking a moose through thick bush and shooting it in it's bed has become a lifelong quest, and I have not satisfactorily pulled it off yet, but I have done that several times with supposedly more wary bull elk and buck whitetails. I'd say that moose do not trust their eyesight as much as many critters, but hearing and smell are second to none. Most of the several moose I have shot under late season tracking conditions were killed as a result of good luck and good shooting reflexes, not because of stupid moose or my "superior" tracking skills.
I realize lumping all moose hunting together was not your intent, but I thought it proper to give another viewpoint.
They do seem to gain weight once you pull the trigger......