Personally speaking,
I'm much more likely to buy magazines who carry articles by people who freely give of their time and expertise in forums such as this.
I do this for a number of reasons. One, I feel more "connected" to the authors when I have the ability to interact with them on a forum. I like the idea that we as a group might be influencing their ideas just as they influence our own.
Two, I appreciate the fact that they are offering their expertise free of charge. It seems only fair that I buy the magazines that employ them and help them pay their bills.
Third, no amount of internet reading can or ever will replace a basement full of ragged and well worn magazines that allow me the delightful opportunity to go back and re-read articles and look up things that I remember reading in the past.
To those professional writers who post on this list, I say "Have no fear that your posts on this forum will ever cut into the readership of the magazines that employ you." On the contrary, I hope that I speak for many others who (like me) will go out of their way to purchase the same magazines that employ the fine people who give of their time and expertise on this forum - as a way of showing our appreciation.


Vernon BC Canada

"Nothing in life - can compare to seeing smiles on your children's faces."