To answer your question, yes your laptop will work in Africa. The AC plug that you have for it currently will work with any Voltage/current arrangement you will come across around the world, you'll just need a plug adapter kit. For out in hunting camp, you'll probably need to get a charger that will allow you to charge your laptop's battery using the LandCruiser if your camp doesn't have electrical hookups. You'll also need a satellite hook-up to the web to allow you to transmit emails, etc. I haven't done this myself but have a very good friend who has done it many times and she has told me it works quite well. Makes for very interesting posts on forums like this during your hunt to let us all "be there with you" as your hunt progresses. I can find out specifics about her exact equipment and what all she uses if you're interested.

Just as an aside, I've been following this thread with great interest. You're getting excellent advice and I'm sure you'll have a great safari when you go. I used the Leupold 1.75-6 on my .416 Rem when I went and have the same scope on my two .375's so I'm sure you'll be fine with that. No issues with most any low light situation you might find yourself in for hunting buff. If you're using only the .375 for everything, including Leopard, then you might want to rethink the scope and just follow Jorge's advice on that. Personally, I'd also take the .30-06 just so you could shoot that if you took your buffalo right away. However, I took my .338 when I went since I really like that rifle. Don't suppose I helped with the selection. Either will do well, just take what you want!