Originally Posted by hatari
1.) Leave the laptop at home. Learn to delegate.

2.) Don't stress over scopes, the ones you have are good. At this point you're talking about trading in Miss Georgia for Miss Uruguay (or Germany in this case). The truth is when you're over 50, you can't get enough performance difference between the two to make it worth the trouble.

3.) A good travel agent is worth their weight in gold, as well as a meet and greet these days.

4.) A day or two of game viewing when you first hit in country is great if you have the time. If you're on for only 10 days, grab the rifle and blast away.

5.) IF you think that you'll do 10 days and make it quick to get back to work, listen to me and make it 14 days and enjoy. When later you're in Cardiac ICU with tubes running in and out of every imaginable place, you won't be thinking "damn, I should have worked more. What is 4 days of work? It ain't shiite. Go have fun!!!!

And the best advice on this thread!