Good, leave, go back to your arm chair and Saturday night drunken haze.....jeez!

FAR more critters are wounded and lost at under 100 yards than all other ranges combined, especially in Eastern states where cover is dense. There have been several surveys on this posted over the years. Why? Because FAR FAR FAR more shots are taken at close range in thick brush from weekend warriors that get buck fever. Precious few hunters have a clue how to track an animal or to even know what to look for. If the animal doesn't die in the scope, they figure they missed and walk off. I have pointed several guys to their down and dead animals that they thought they missed, or couldn't track due to lack of ability or intelligence. It boggles my mind why they are even in the field.

Just like bow hunting, knife hunting, muzzle loading etc. They all demand a certain amount of skill and training. Long range hunting is indeed a sport, ethical and takes talent and skill, just like anything else. I don't believe or like your style of hunting (box stands, grain feeders, food plots), so you are unethical...right? Nope, just your way of doing things. You don't like, can't do or don't believe in long range hunting, fine, don't do it. You will NEVER stop the weekend warrior from thinking "he can do it" no matter what weapon or caliber he has in his hands, or what you tell him. Each to his own.

John has made a business out of selling dreams to people that lack the skill and ability in many areas. John isn't pulling the trigger, the idiots are. So let's blame the spoon for making Rosey O'Donnell fat. Flinch

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