One good way i have found to avoid problematical, untimely, or false teaching is a heartfelt prayer daily( or minute by minute) asked in Jesus Name of the Father.

Asking for Him to give us wisdom and direct us as individuals to teaching ( preaching, propcy) which is most needful for us this this point in our lives..

This indicates I don't want to be entertained..have my ears scratched... but am willing to learn and accpt even the hardest truths in order that I might better serve Him.

This tells the Father that I want HIM to choose the areas I am most desperately in need of teaching in..

Example of less necessary or unnecessary teaching might be if a fellow wanted to know where Cain got his wife, that probably isn't very needful for the believer on a scale of primary need to infinitite questions....:)

Seeking teachers or teaching from God for the most critical issues in OUR personal life in Christ is so we might walk in His Spirit and grow in grace and knowlege of our Lord and Savior Jesus Christ.

So, He will help us see truly what our real need for teaching is at the moment and make provision for that to be had by us..
He'll reveal the topic by His Holy Spirit, directly or indirectly.

We then by faith keep the eye and heart open and ready so we recognize the source for learning when it is manifest..jim