Having established that I don't believe a particular "teacher " is required for my spiritual journey , I want to explain why I believe one IS REQUIRED for that portion of my journey that pertains to bible teachings. I really think some of you draw no distinction between the two and that is where we part company,but that's not what I want to tlk about in the limeted time my computer skills allow.

Here is what I require in a Teacher ,whether in ballistics or bible study:

A formal education sufficient to evaluate all different views and discard those that are wrong.

A high degree of intellectual honesty.

A passion to learn the subject.

A willingness to share his knowledge.

Even with my eighth grade education,I possess those qualities in sufficient measure to be called "teacher " by enough students to qualify.My area of expertise is very narrow,but extremely important TO A PRETTY SMALL SEGMENT OF HUMANITY.

While reading C.S. LEWIS , I used to yearn to ask him a question about some particular portion of the bible.He was dead by the time I heard of him.

Along comes Ken Howell into my life.[ Actually,we got off to a rocky start as some of you around when the fire was lit may recall ! ] Why on earth would I not avail myself of this modern Lewis who can answer my questions. Again,questions about THE BIBLE .

Just as I would not have agreed with Lewis on many things - I suspect from his writings he woulda been in the front ranks of PETA - I don't look to Ken to tell me when to turn left or right .On matters concerning scripture,I take his view ON FAITH .

That's why I appoint him to the highly exalted ,albeit unpaid,position of Gene's BIBLE TEACHER .The rest of you;"Eat your heart out ! " grin goes here.

As far as me being his " PIT BULL " as one poster implied;Neither the Spirit nor Ken teach " SIC 'EM ".
I do that all on my own.One of them things I learned in the beer joints that still comes in handy. Really it's just a little different form of " sharing ".

Never holler whoa or look back in a tight place