I pray that the Holy Spirit will give wisdom and discernment to all who read these posts. Many are very sad. Others are simply wrong. Still, we can glean from this if we are dilligent. This post is not meant as a reply to any specific post, but a continuing comment based upon the entire post so far.

While many say today that truth is different for different people, they are wrong in light of the Bible. Truth IS absolute and is the same for every one, though we may each take a different path to get to the truth. And as some have said, the Holy Spirit is our main teacher. Certainly we should learn as much as we can from wise and accepted teachers, but always hold their words up to the light of scripture and the yearning of the Spirit within us.

The Bible tells us of many who claimed to be teachers who were instead snares of the devil. As someone has stated in this thread, those who spout the loudest about their experience and training, and are most offended when others do not accept their words are usually the wrong ones to listen to, though I firmly believe we can learn something from any message, if we are tuned in to the Spirit, and not the person speaking.

As Paul told Timothy to "Study to show thyself approved unto God, a workman that needeth not to be ashamed, rightly dividing the word of truth" (2nd Tim. 2:15), so we must heed this warning also. Those who blindly follow a person (any person) without holding that person to the standard of the Word that they have studied for themselves are on a slippery slope to error. God tells us we who are saved are priests (Rev. 1:6) and need only the Holy Spirit to interpret the Scripture, for it is not open to private interpretation (2nd Peter 1:6). Indeed, neither the Bible in it's entirity or an individual verse can be understood rightly in the flesh, whether from a teacher or by reading it ourselves. It must be interpreted by the Holy Spirit to us through our spirit.

It is important to remember that we are beings of multiple parts, spirit, soul and body (1st Thes. 5:23). Each are a part of us, and each must be included in just about everything we do or are. The Word is either read or heard through the eyes or ears (body) and comes to our mind (soul), then is interpreted by the Holy Spirit through our spirits. Teachers are good, if Godly, but cannot take the place of the Interpreter.

Examples without an obvious Biblical reference are like physical exercise the "profiteth little" (1st Tim. 4:8). If done without love it "profiteth nothing" (1st Cor. 13:3). This is where Christ demonstrated Himself to be the best teacher who has ever walked the planet. The proof IS in the pudding, as someone mentioned, when it comes to Christ. The last 2000+ years demonstrates it quite well, but so do His works while He was here. Certainly, what He did, He did for love.

Someone used the term "Religious people" earlier. Religious people tend to put those they consider "great teachers" on pedistals. This is probably the most dangerous thing that Christians can do. We are on dangerous ground here, and have been for some time. This won't come as a surprise to many who have read my previous posts, but I do not consider my self a religous man, merely a man of faith and one saved by the grace of God.

After giving it much thought, I think it best to follow Paul's lead when talking to people of unknown backgrounds and be determined to know nothing but Christ, and Him crucified. After all, it is not my or anyone's job to be a priest to anyone, but to simply give the gospel and pray.

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"What will you say when God asks you 'why?'"

KJ believer