I was not going to post anymore on this,but you asked a question. I don't know - and have no desire to learn - how to pull down quotes , so I'll do it this way and hope it answers your question :

Did Jesus say things - I used the words from the " Sermon on the Mount " as an example - because they taught spiritual precepts that were eternal and true,or did they only become eternal and true once he spoke them ?

I submit that His moral teachings were precepts that were part of the Divine Law spoken into existence at the creation.

If that is so,then the words would be true even if Satan or OBL spoke them first , regardless of the motive of the speaker.

If TRUTH depends on the speaker , then there are no un - changing , eternal truths which can be expressed in words ,and where does THAT leave us ?

That's the logic I was referring to .

THat's the best I can do at explaining what I meant . Hope it is sufficient , whether you agree , or not.

Never holler whoa or look back in a tight place