I can appreciate both divergent views concerning teaching:

Exegesis in the original languages,understanding jewish -middle-eastern idioms, culture, old covenant religion...types, shadows and symbolisms between the old covenant and the new covenant ...
From from the Tabernacle in the wilderness to the mercy seat on the ark in the Holy of Holies to the day the veil into the Holy of Holies was torn from TOP to bottom by the Holy Spirit signifying a new and LIVING Way was made for those to live and dwell-approach a most holy God thru Christ..
Contrastingly, I also believe that while a better, fuller knowlege of all of that can be helpful and enlightening,the body of Christ( and the world in darkness) has been given-revealed ALL that is NEEDFUL to know in order that those in darkness might move into the Light..and those who come into the body of Christ as little children might grow to the measure, stature and fullness of Christ as a part of that Body of faithful.
Do we undertstand all, know all?No.

Has ALL been told us, revealed to us concerning the person and work of Christ Jesus? No.

The disciple-apostle John finished one of his writings with this statement below, indicating there was a whole lot more that Jesus did and said just during his earthly ministry which we have not had revealed to us:

John wrote as he was moved by the Holy Spirit as with all scripture so I have no reason to doubt him.

Jhn 21:25
And there are also many other things which Jesus did, the which, if they should be written every one, I suppose that even the world itself could not contain the books that should be written. Amen.

While all of us have questions and some isolated scriptures which we have difficulty understanding...NONE of those stands in the way of our coming to know Christ, being born again of the Holy Spirit of YHWH, growing in grace and knowlege of our Lord and Savior YAHSHUA Messiah, walking in the Holy Spirit,fellowshipping with the body of believers or standing one day before our righteous and loving Father in heaven and being accepted into eternal life.
Between the indwelling Holy Spirit ( "he will lead you and guide you into all truth.."), the Holy Spirit and the Word, and the gifts and ministries Christ has placed in His church-body, how can we fail to know what we need to know?

Given the choice, I believe that the church as a worldwide group needs to get back to the first principles of the Gospel and to do the first works..love, joy, peace...well, you know what they are..jim