The last deer I shot with a 100 C&C bullet (almost thirty years ago) was a high shoulder shot. The bullet blew into what some have called "copper and lead dust." One of those fragments hit the spinal cord, so the deer went down on the spot. I saw what happened when I butchered the buck myself.

A friend used only 95 NP. Even though the 100 NP was a semi spitzer back then, I opted for the heavier version. Later I got the 100 in a spitzer form when Nosler came out with them. At the time TSX had not been introduced, and I don't think the Nosler SB had been redesigned as a hunting bullet just yet. The Partition has worked well for me on deer, but it shoots 3 inches higher than my 70 grain coyote load. Perhaps the TSX would shoot closer to that point of aim, reason enough to try some, and by reputation, they work just fine.

I haven't used my .243 for deer in several years. Women, kids, and other old farts seem to be highly successful with them, so I may break the little small ring Mauser Safari out of jail and use it next week. Season opened yesterday, but we are tied up rehabbing a duplex this week end. Should finish tomorrow and can head out in a day or so.

I let a couple of really nice bucks walk last year. They should be even better this go round. They are both on family owned ranches and should still be hanging around. Weather has been good so they should be in good flesh. My helper promised me a large quantity of home made tamales if I would furnish her a deer. Deal on, less the back straps. Maybe a couple?


"Do not blame Caesar, blame the people...who have...rejoiced in their loss of freedom....Blame the people who hail him when he speaks of the 'new, wonderful, good, society' mean , fatly at the expense of the industrious." Cicero