Last month while on the Kona coast, I toured a couple of coffee 'plantations'. One of them supplies ~20% of all Kona coffee. I learned some neat stuff including the fact that the darker the roast, the less caffeine. Threw me for a loop as that is the opposite of what I'd thought. The company rep. said the best coffee is aribica bean, roasted at 485 F for 16-18 minutes IIRC. I hadn't realized how fascinating coffee could be, no sarcasm, (for a change). They ship only green coffee beans because they can be stored for up to 2 years without losing flavor. Previous mention of roasting is spot on, it's crutial. He suggested that buying beans, grinding your own is the only route for true "afficianodos". Grind only enough for a week and store it separate from the beans so you only open the grind for that week, less flavor loss. Lots more neat stuff, processing, storage, brewing, but why bore you all. I'm posting the web site but I've no intere$t at all, just enjoyed them and their product.