Just got back from seeing it. I figured the first matinee at 12:15 on a Friday would be empty except for a few old retired geezers but the theater was full.

Good movie. It doesn't romanticize the war or Chris Kyle, just tries to tell a story of who he was. Time compression was kind of hard to follow as the whole move was a series of vignettes spread out across his four tours in Iraq and brief periods back home in between. He gets married, then he's in combat, then his wife is 9 months pregnant, then he's in combat, then he's with his 4-5 year old son, then he's in combat, et cetera. It tries to show that every time he was back home, he really wasn't "back home", he was still in Iraq.

Overall it was a good story well told, definitely worth seeing.

Gunnery, gunnery, gunnery.
Hit the target, all else is twaddle!