Originally Posted by verhoositz
I wish the AS detractors and BS artists would pay anywhere close to the same attention to the acutal proveable recorded facts about LBJ's role the Civil Rights Movement with MLK that is portrayed in the movie "Selma" ...and a blatant lie.

Pro or Con on the Civil Rights Movement is not the subject here ...just the Media's inability to tell the Whole Truth and Nothing but the Truth about who did what and when...but the Media can't do THAT. They lie as much by Omission as they do by their trumpeting their brand of BS.

The Media Has to Sell Advertising $$'s and it ain't PC enough to be honest about a provable History....and it is at the expense of Chris Kyle....and the Media needs to be called into account for that.

Im thinking i would not put the word 'Thelma' in this thread, in honor of American heros and patriots who are dead. smile

The tree of liberty must be refreshed from time to time by the blood of patriots and tyrants.

If being stupid allows me to believe in Him, I'd wish to be a retard. Eisenhower and G Washington should be good company.