Originally Posted by Strick9
The scene actually went.. Chris walks into kitchen, cocks revolver points from hip at wife. Says "Pull them drawers down", they grub around on each other for a second, pistol still shown in hand clearly cocked. Kids come in pistol still shown down by side and in hand cocked, brushes kids away and still cocked. Places cocked pistol on wall sill or overhang and departs. I am no lit guy but it was totally out of script, centered and odd. I will move along now just thought someone with some insight might know a little more.

The oddity is that he pointed a real cocked pistol at his wife, held it cocked uncarefully around his kids then left with it being left cocked on the window sill. I don't get it , no way the director or anyone else missed this movie or not. It had to have some sort of meaning and I suppose it will rise up on the future.

What I posted was an action excerpt from the shooting script I received from Warner Brothers Pictures, along with the DVD of same. I watched the flick four or five weeks ago and had forgot some of the action you described. I remember thinking then, however, that what you described as being some super unsafe gun handling was out-of-character for Kyle.

I know that a director can change a script just about any way he wants. Sometimes the star of the picture can change things in the script to suit him(her)self, also. Either Eastwood told Bradley Cooper to handle the revolver in that unsafe manner, or Cooper "improvised" it and Eastwood liked the "improvisational" take enough to print it and use it in the finished film.

That's Hollywood. wink


"Always go straight forward, and if you meet the devil, cut him in two and go between the pieces." (William Sturgis, clipper ship captain, 1830s.)