I wish the AS detractors and BS artists would pay anywhere close to the same attention to the actual proveable recorded facts about LBJ's role the Civil Rights Movement with MLK ...as it is portrayed in the movie "Selma" ...the movie is a blatant lie.

Pro or Con on the Civil Rights Movement is not the subject here ...just the Media's inability to tell the Whole Truth and Nothing but the Truth about who did what and when...but the Media can't do THAT. They lie as much by Omission as they do by their trumpeting their brand of Agenda BS.

The Media Has to Sell Advertising $$'s and it ain't PC enough to be honest about a provable History like LBJ's....but it is PC enough at the expense of Chris Kyle, and the 1% of us who keep the Bad Guys Over There....just to sell advertising....and the Media needs to be called into account for that.

IMO Every sponser, manufacturer or retail outlet of a Media Outlet or Talking Head Pundit's program that promotes the speculation and continued degradation of Chris Kyle's legacy needs to be put on notice that they will no longer have their products bought at retail. THAT is the only thing that is understood by the Media...when the Ad Sponsers $$'s dry up.

Eye for an Eye...and What Goes Around Comes Around in these twitter/facebook easy mass information days.

TIME FOR TERM LIMITS !!!! Politicians are just like diapers, they need to be changed often and regularly for the same reason...Robin Williams.