Originally Posted by Phil09
Great info Terry! I've never tackled something like this, but the details on how you do it are very helpful.

Question - when you wet sand, how "much" do you sand? Just enough to get the dark color from the pore filler off? About how long does it take you to sand the full stock with each wet/dry sandpaper grit?


When you sand you want to get all the filler off the surface of the stock. You will see the wood lighten up as you go. Since the filler goes beneath the surface it would be really hard to sand it too much. This step not only removes the excess filler but it also preps the stock for finish. Also, 320gt paper takes so little surface off the wood, your biggest problem is going to be not getting enough off as opposed to taking too much off.

I would guess I spent an hour with the 320gt paper to do the entire stock. The 400gt will probably take about half as long.