Originally Posted by blairvt
Thanks for all the work and knowledge sharing. My dad taught me a similar technique as yours, but we always used steel wool. Can you show me how to wet sand and maybe how to use a block. Whenever I wet sanded it just didn't turn out right

There are only two reasons I'll wet sand. One is when I use the Boneblack/Rottenstone technique. I do this mainly because this stuff fills up dry paper too quicky. And two, when it becomes nesassary to sand on a finish.

I think the best advice I can give when you went sand is alway's step up a grit from what you would pick for dry paper. Iy you were to to chose 250 grit in dry I would step up the 320 for wet. Keep a wet surface and rinse your paper out often.

I use a regular sand block for as much as possible then I switch to wet paper wrapped around a scotch-bite pad for my tight angled surfaces. Sometimes you just have to free hand it around areas like the checkering.

Of course anytime you do this you're going to have to allow for extra drying time. When I finish I leave the stock in front of a fan for a couple of days and always make the last sanding with dry paper.