Originally Posted by deflave

My only point is that all that occurred (as described in the OP) is a notification of what is suspected to take place at a residence.

It is absurd to think any law enforcement entity could act on that information alone.

Any citizen with a reasonable understanding of how our justice system works would understand that the local law enforcement must now begin building a case and establish articulable facts in order to convince a judge a warrant should be issued for the searching and possible seizure of the premises.

I fail to see where I attacked anybody.

So coy when it suits you.

What information do you think is enough for LE to act? Certainly not going to take someone's word that lives there! That's not good enough. I recommended the use of a trail camera for gathering data, license plates, etc, but no comment on that? Is that not enough either? What exactly would you deem "enough"? Does someone need to catch a bullet? At what point does LE "act"?

So "building a case" means what? Looking up the property in question and finding out who owns it for starters? Detective work from there on out until enough information is gathered to justify a warrant? Sounds like they're "acting" to me. Problem is, there's a whole lot of "not acting" going on.

Yet we can't really do anything about the scourge of drugs ourselves can we, because we'll be arrested post haste for doing anything tangible like setting the place on fire and stringing up the scum from a tree. So we sit, dependent on an unresponsive police force and gov. at large, waiting for the help that never arrives. We just hope and pray that our family does not fall victim to these drug scum, because we'll have no recourse if we do.

An 8 dollar driveway boy living in a T-111 shack