I understand peoples frustrations, trust me I deal with family members every day with drug addicted people they want us to fix!

I also understand how frustrating it would be to have a "grow" house next door.

Travis never said the place shouldn't be shut down. He is trying to get a point across that you can't take one or two citizen complaints and get a warrant to bust in on it.

People who don't go to court or deal with legal proceedings really do not understand how frustrating it is and how the rights almost always skew in favor of the accused. Not to even begin on how a jury is going to view the case!

With all of the pills, meth, heroin and coke running out of Mexico the system is taxed pretty heavily and a house with a few weed plants is going to be pretty far down the list in any area of any size. Our local Drug Task Force is running about 6 months behind checking on tips/complaints and we are 100-150K County population I think.

There are no absolutes when corruption is concerned but if that is suspected call your State "bureau of investigations" and offer up the proof. What ole Suzy rotten crotch told you isn't proof by the way!

Be prepared to face the consequences if you go head to head with any connected bad boys they may not hesitate to machinegun your wife, kids, house they have their grow house to make money and money has a way of making people do crazy things.

What you watch on TV cop and crime shows isn't reality.

Unless you are willing to strap up, think seriously before insulting those who do!

Rant mode off, did I miss anything?

God, Family, and Country.
NRA Endowment Member