Originally Posted by battue
There are no naturals. Everything works because there is some kind of medicinal in there. Ex: Red Rice yeast lowers cholesterol because there is statin compound that does the work. Digitalis leaf works because it contains digoxin. Tumeric contain curcumin.

Problem with the naturals is the active ingredient is not consistent, nor are they regulated for consistent potency. Ingrediant concentrations change due to soil it was grown in, where it was grown, etc. There are also side effects with the naturals along with possible adverse interactions with other meds you may be taking.

Regulation of the naturals for consistency is extremely lax or non-existent. There may be a little in there or a lot.

What do you think you are, a pharmacist or something?

If there are no "naturals" as you say, and everything comes from something else, which plants are ibuprofen and voltaren extracted from?


A wise man is frequently humbled.