Originally Posted by smokepole
eyeball, thanks. I should have clarified, I've been taking fish oil for a while now, as well as glucosamine/chondroitin/MSM.

I've heard of bromelain but never tried it, I'll have to check that out.

I know the G/C/MSM works because when I don't take it I hurt more. I take fish oil more for the heart but I'm sure it helps too. Also, lots of walnuts and almonds.

The G/C really help me, and very quickly, when my hands started aching when I hit 55 or so. I'm taking G/MSM right now for general "old man achey legs" and it seems to be working, just not as quickly. I usually just buy whatever combo is on sale when I run out without regard for brand or particular mixture. I gave up on the fishy stuff as I read a number of pieces on it that cast serious doubt on the initial research and evidence that started the fad. I may be missing out on something, but I no longer have walrus breath either.

What fresh Hell is this?