
I can't make that choice for you. Not avoiding your question, but I'm not a Physician and since again your situation is chronic there are considerations that need to be evaluated by one.

Alcohol usage, liver or kidney function, heart disease, blood pressure, bleeding issues. Just plain overall general health.

Aspirin works best for me, but I have the Doc do blood workup perhaps three times a year and usually only take one or two tables per day. If I'm going on a long days hunt, maybe two three times a day. Some other friends swear by Naprosyn, which is a different brand of Aleve.

Again aspirin works for me, but I wouldn't say it was twice as good as Motrin. I think it just works better and perhaps has a longer duration of action for myself

If you are healthy otherwise, I can't see why you can't give aspirin a short try and see if you notice any improvement over the others. As with any of them, take the smallest amount that gives relief. Aspirin can also mess with the stomach, but they make and enteric coated one if that is an issue.

Addition: Should have mentioned it, but Aspirin and Alive get their anti-inflammation action by slightly different mechanism of action. I don't understand it completely. Few do, but that is not the point. Perhaps I respond to the Aspirin pathway better or my condition is more responsive to it. Others may be the opposite.

Last edited by battue; 07/30/15.

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