You are correct, a lot of South African Buffalo are bug free. One of our areas in the Northern parts of South Africa, bordering a famous area, is all what they call "red-line" Buffalo, which means they could carry TB. Not just the buff, but all animals. No meat are allowed to cross this "line" and not to be consumed.
The Buff hunts there are generally cheaper and one of the reason we use the area to offer better value Buffalo hunts.
Not for marketing purposes but merely to prove my point, we are offering 3 Buff in the area for 2016 at $11K all in.

Jorge, maybe if you know of any other Buff deals from our neighboring countries, you could share them here. It would be interesting to see what the rest of the countries are doing, and will also add value to the OP's question and might very well help him in a direction.

Marius Goosen
KMG Hunting Safaris
Professional Hunter and Outfitter
South Africa, Namibia, Mozambique, Zimbabwe, Zambia
[email protected]