Originally Posted by BH63
Originally Posted by Pugs
Originally Posted by BH63
Thanks for totally hi-jacking the thread.


Like sitting around a real campfire. If you think Campfire threads don't wander, well, you're in for a surprise. Enjoy the ride. You might learn some things you didn't expect to. I certainly have.

Yes and just like real campfires there is always the one guy who gets up and pizzes in the fire, and the other yokels who laugh at the smell, thinking this is height of sophisticated hilarity.

If posters want to discuss meeting up at the DSC, they should create a new thread or go to Matchmaker.com so they can hook up IMO.


You sound like a real barrel of fun. I work at a damn serious business all week long. This board is fun for me and has been for a long time. A newbie like you are not likely to change it.

If something on the internet makes you angry the odds are you're being manipulated