Bachelor of Science in Forest Management, Utah State U. Never worked a day in that field.

They were cranking out foresters like there was no tomorrow, so when I graduated there were no jobs and what few there were paid bupkus. I could have had a job making minimum wage driving around Nevada counting jojobe plants for some synthetic fuels research. People with a Masters degree were planting trees, that's a summer job for high school kids.

Took the last of my GI bill (the old one) and went to 6 months of vocational school to be a computer programmer. Have worked in that field for 34 years now and it has been an enjoyable time and allowed me to make a decent living.

A classmate of mine also graduated with a BS in Forestry but couldn't find work either. He went back to school to become an electrical contractor and last I heard was very successful at it.

Gunnery, gunnery, gunnery.
Hit the target, all else is twaddle!