Certainly can be a thorny issue but, whether you agree with it or not, the courts settled the question about discriminating based on sex, religion, race, etc.

The outcome is far less discriminating than the way things used to be. Nobody is forcing someone to 'recant' their beliefs or sending them away to indoctrination camps. For those who would prefer to refuse service or goods to certain classes of people based on their personal beliefs, there are less 'open' countries that celebrate such standards.

The real problem here is the hypocrisy of the 'offended' people--in this case, 'christians'. Notice how it is always gays that trigger their 'righteous right of refusal'? Why not any of the other sins denounced in scripture?

Gun owners flip out if an establishment puts up a 'no guns' sign. Imagine if all the businesses in your locale and online could refuse service to anyone whose beliefs/lifestyle 'offended' them?

I live in an area with a high population of Mormons. I don't agree with their beliefs and that's fine--I can still do business with them. That doesn't make me LDS by proxy... cool

Besides, I really don't want to have to fill out the long form survey detailing all my beliefs and shortcomings so some business can decide whether or not they can serve me.... laugh

It ain't what you don't know that makes you an idiot...it's what you know for certain, that just ain't so...

Most people don't want to believe the truth~they want the truth to be what they believe.

Stupidity has no average...