Originally Posted by benchman
Refusing service to a person because it violates your religious doctrine, thereby your freedom of religion IS valid. The validity of gays being a protected class, on the same plane as race and gender, is based on the scientific evidence that homosexuality is a proven genetic trait. The only problem is that there isn't any. It's a political lever. That's it. That's not rocket science either. It's either a choice, or it isnt. There is no proof that it is anything BUT a choice. That is not popular with the cool people, but that is the truth.
Wouldn't matter if there was a genetic contributor to the behavior. There's lots of evidence for a genetic contributor to criminality, i.e., congenital psychopathy. Does that mean burglars, for example, should be a protected class? A genetic propensity isn't an excuse for giving expression to antisocial behavior.