Originally Posted by MojoHand
Originally Posted by efw

So at no point has everyone ever been really free and it was unjust but now it's ok because the group being limited is one you don't like.

Got it.

Used to be that an idea touted by both sides was "I may not agree with what you say but will defend to the death your right to say it."

No more, now it's all about offended classes on both sides. Power no longer is found in the Constitution but in some contrived "right to not be offended".

Fact is, if I'm in business for myself I should be able to refuse service for whatever reason I like, and as a consumer I should be free to spend or not spend as I see fit.

The gov't has no business telling citizens who they have to do business with. That's for business owners and the market to decide.

Have no idea whose ass you pulled that from but it needs to go back...stat!

So, to be clear, you (and others on here) believe any business should be free to discriminate against anyone they choose, anytime...correct?

So you are saying that a man has no right to run his business as he sees fit and refuse service to anyone he pleases to? So the government should have the right and power to tell you how to run your own place of business?

The Mayans had it right. If you�re going to predict the future, it�s best to aim far beyond your life expectancy, lest you wind up red-faced in a bunker overstocked with Spam and ammo.