Originally Posted by dassa
Originally Posted by Snyper

No, it's just a cake.
They can't insert their myths into their business dealings.
They are still free to practice their religion after business hours

Only applies if you favor unlimited government.

Exactly; and that really is the bottom line here.

If a business doesn't want me there because of the AR15 sticker on my car or the gold cross my daughter wears around her neck they should be free to say so. I won't be offended, but the business won't do so well either.

That's called FREE markets.

Me personally; I'd have baked the cake and had no problem with it. What two people do in their bedroom is of no concern to me if they want to give me their money. But anyone should have the right to practice their "principles" in any way they choose.

Again, the market will decide if they're right or not... NOT the govt.