Originally Posted by Fubarski
Originally Posted by calikooknic
Just like raising kids, pick your battles.

Register the damn gun, refuse to carry, be allowed to live to tomorrow.

Fuggin marytrs.

I'm beginning to see your "point".

Enjoy Dachau. That's the type of place your ass will end up.

You can talk all the patriotic armed revolution chitt you want. I can tell you right now that any such talk is braggadocio bullschitt.

Russell Means, the AIM leader figured this out after his stunt at Wounded Knee 40 years ago. He summed up it more or less "How do you fight the government with guns when they have airplanes and tanks?"

Yeah, the Native Americans were going to pull a big F.U. on the government. Didn't work out so well, Good thing the slots are paying off.

So go do your Waco or Ruby Ridge thing. You will take your principles to the After Life right quick, partners. There are principles, and then there is obstinate stupidity.

In American, we do it through laws and at the ballot box. Our "successful armed revolution was 250 years ago, and really was our first Civil War. Had logistics not been such a problem, England could have crushed the Revolution had they really wanted to. Oh, and England was short on airpower in those days.

Our American Civil War shows the futility of armed revolution. The South was well organized, united, and was crushed. Between the hundreds of thousands war dead, the millions of lives destroyed, the combination of war and Reconstruction so damaged the South that it has taken 150 years for it to fully recover. 150 years for the South to again be prosperous and vibrant. 150 years is a long, long, time chief. Families suffered, and the fabric of the country was forever altered.

Yes if Hillary gets in and Executive orders our guns away, you can try that "they fell out of my fishing boat in the middle of Lake Superior" defense. You'll also end up in Nuevo Dachau for perjury, obstruction of justice, and 4o other gun laws she'll introduce. Go ahead, talk big. BTW, who's providing for your family while you're locked up?

Bake the damned cake. Obey the law, otherwise you are no different that BLM. If you want change, make it the first Tuesday in November.

"The Democrat Party looks like Titanic survivors. Partying and celebrating one moment, and huddled in lifeboats freezing the next". Hatari 2017

"Hokey religions and ancient weapons are no match for a good blaster at your side, kid." Han Solo