Originally Posted by benchman
Refusing service to a person because it violates your religious doctrine, thereby your freedom of religion IS valid. The validity of gays being a protected class, on the same plane as race and gender, is based on the scientific evidence that homosexuality is a proven genetic trait. The only problem is that there isn't any. It's a political lever. That's it. That's not rocket science either. It's either a choice, or it isnt. There is no proof that it is anything BUT a choice. That is not popular with the cool people, but that is the truth.

No, forcing your religious beliefs on others is not a valid reason to discriminate, and genetics have nothing to do with anything at all.

It makes no difference why they are the way they are. You cannot use that as a reason to refuse to serve them if you operate a business open to the general public.

You still have your "freedom of religion" and they have freedom from your religion.

If you feel your religion won't allow you to treat everyone as equals, then working in retail is not for you.

One shot, one kill........ It saves a lot of ammo!