
GREAT time to TRY and wax eloquent upon that Goat Fhuqk's "particulars". Be SURE to muse how your "vast" "knowledge","experience" and "results",steered you towards soooooooo many hurdles. I've prolly never been around any of it. Laughing!

Here's to how very WELL founded your countless Insecurities are grounded,in your uncanny "ability" to always suck...you "lucky" kchunt.

1000 words with "only" the 10 Mils on the windshield,so as to keep things "fair"...if only for fhuqking starters. Hint.


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Bless your heart.



I can "only" attest to passing upon 64 Bucks thus far in these last few days,only (2) of which I couldn't have murdered...which had nothin' to do with pastin' a 6X MQ's reticle upon same. Hint.(grin)

Sister passed 15 Bucks yesterday and had enough this morning,crushing (2) of the 9 we were privvy too.

The atmospherics were(are) far from "optimal",with a crashing low ceiling and Buckly Haunts ain't ever in the most favorable light. Hadta stay low,to escape a Pea Soup ceiling and the ambient wanes within The Jungle,if only as per always.

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The wind was favorable and made it easy to Sneak/Peek as per topographical whim(missing standing water) and the first set "only" reeled in (2) Bucks. Sister laced the first(better of the brace),he peeled after losing lungs and his running mate got crushed for lingering in confusion.

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Hadta cross a newly ordained "river"(due the last coupla days water volumes) and fish hook a Swampy Beaver Pond to place a Tag on the poor bastard with no fhuqking lungs. Wishin' I had enough 550 cord in tow,to toss a Flying Parbuckle upon the wayward bastard. I took one for the team and soaked Marmot Precip britches past the boys,so Sister could keep her She Bitch suit drier than my riggin'.(grin)

Purty funny!

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As per always,she can opt any/all wares in the larder and the 6X MQ stoked BLR 81 7-08 whistlin' 162 A-Max at 2550fps ala 200yd zero,was her pick of the litter this mornin'. Tomorrow might could be different...though I doubt it.(grin)

Film at 11:00................


I've never even seen Blue Tape,Rising Sun Glass,Turrets or Stickers.

These Changing Times...really keep me atta "loss".

As an aside,it's purty gawwdammned fhuqking mean of you,to have an understanding of twist rate,throat geometry,COAL and boolit selection...when dealing with a Ping Pong Ball Launchin' Droolin' Dumbfhuqk,with a key to a gate.



Pass the Illuminatti aboard a Krunchenticker.

Pin the zoom to arrange erector/reticle commonality and bask in the sweet satisfaction(s) of schit done right.

'Course the 62 Mils of total erector travel,prolly don't suck either.(grin)

Just sayin'.....................

Brad says: "Can't fault Rick for his pity letting you back on the fire... but pity it was and remains. Nothing more, nothing less. A sad little man in a sad little dream."